under construction
A Note From Alana
To say that my website is “temporarily under construction” and not say why felt like a missed opportunity to share an update with you!
Where does one even begin? So much has shifted these past few years personally, professionally, and collectively. As I write this letter and reflect on my evolution as an Interior Designer, I’m in awe of the ways it has transformed.
In this fast-paced industry there is pressure to be visible online. I often struggle with comparing myself to others that seem to do this effortlessly. So much, in fact, that my website in its current iteration was no longer an ideal representation of me. My clothing, in a metaphoric sense, no longer fits. I decided that it was time for a much needed digital change.
Some would say “done is better than perfect” for online projects. I’m a self-proclaimed perfectionist at heart, so I definitely struggle with them. It feels vulnerable putting myself out there for everyone to see!
It’s ironic, too, given that in the world of design and branding, everything is so personal and subjective. While there’s such beauty in this, it can feel daunting for someone like me who prefers to keep a low profile online.
In saying the above, I am beyond grateful for the wonderful clients I have worked with over the years. I look forward to the new projects and exciting endeavours that I will meet on my road ahead.
While my new website is in incubation, please reach out and connect with me directly. If you’re interested in a design consultation, an intuitive house reading, or a friendly conversation, I would love to hear from you.